Gillian Spraggs


At Harrow County Girls’ Grammar School, in the 1960s, I was fortunate in encountering two outstanding teachers: Ilid Landry, my English teacher, who encouraged, praised and criticised my teenage poems, and Belinda Dennis, who gave me my first grounding in Greek, and helped me with my earliest (extra-curricular) attempts at translating the fragments of Sappho. I bear a lasting debt to both of them.

I am very grateful to Claire Wintram for her advice on the translations of poems by Renée Vivien. She is not, of course, responsible for any errors or questionable decisions I may have made.

I’d like to thank Deborah Tyler-Bennett for her encouragement over many years. Several of these pieces first appeared in her magazine The Coffee House.

Many other people have given me support and encouragement. I am grateful to all of them. In particular, I’d like to thank Meg Davis, my agent, and, above all, Mog Singer.

Sam Eaton's unfailing advice on technical matters has, as always, been invaluable. Many thanks, also, to Andrew Beattie of OurShack, who kindly helped me set up this domain.
© Gillian Spraggs, 2006
page added to site on 24 November, 2006 | last modified 14 November, 2006